Sandwiched between two lovely people at the wedding reception, I was asked about the work I do, and then asked two questions – one from each person::
What’s a carbon footprint, and why does that matter for businesses? and
But what’s the point if China and India are increasing their emissions?
This is not unusual.
But it really did surprise me.
Both the men who asked the questions are intelligent, experienced businessemen.
And I thought they’d have known the answers.
So that got me thinking.
I reflected and wondered if we often incorrectly assume a level of knowledge of the issues we are talking about every day.
Whether it’s about environmental impact, ESG, SDGs, impact on employees, supply chain management….these areas are fairly complex.
And there’s no such thing as a stupid question, but I fear that sometimes we don’t ask the really important questions for fear of feeling stupid.
The whole point of UK for Good is to inspire, inform, and enable all business leaders and their teams to better understand and improve their impact on their people and the planet.
So I thought it may be helpful to go back to basics, look at the challenges facing us all, and explore ways we can improve.
We’ll talk about the big problems facing people and planet, and offer some simple solutions.
If there are things we talk about in this series that you know already, that’s great.
But we hope that you will find something new and valuable too.
At the end of the series we will offer you the opportunity to download our FREE ebook which will cover everything.
But first of all, I’d encourage you to grab a cuppa, and take just four minutes and forty seconds to watch this excellent summary from the lovely Fiona Bruce.
It was filmed after the latest IPCC report update from UN Secretary General Antonio Guetteres.
It’s terrifying and motivating in equal measure, and the message is exceptionally clear.
We’re running out of time. We all need to understand the problem, and do whatever we can to shape a better future.
Person by person.
Business by business.
Region by region.
Next time, we’ll be talking acronyms: IPCC, SDGs, ESG, GHGs
We don’t like acronyms…so we’ll bust them for you.
Until then…have a great week.
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